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Top 5 Diamond Jewelry Brands around the World 2022


Expensive diamond brands are a sign of prestige, status and power. Wealthy people demand them to showcase their wealth in this competitive society where everyone wants something special or unique about themselves - but not too many can afford it!

Expensive jewelry is seen as an advantage because those who purchase expensive pieces gain instant respect from others through its display that proclaims "I'm powerful!" It's true though; nowadays there isn't really any need for these costly items anymore since they've become so commonplace with high quality materials being used instead (and at lower costs!).

The market itself has also grown significantly over recent years which means you're likely going find more options available than ever before if shopping around online today due largely thanks

1) Harry Winston
2) Cartier
3) Tiffany and Co.
4) De Beers
5) Blue Nile

Harry Winston Sells Diamond Jewelry & Luxury Watches

 Harry Winston is a New York-based company that specializes in the selling and buying of incredible fine jewelry. This centuries old outfit has been around since 1932, when it first opened its doors as one man’s dream to create jewels for those who could afford them; forever changing how we think about wealth now more than ever before!

The diamonds at Harry World meet criteria such as weight (4Cs), coloration grade(D E F G VVS1) cut quality score( Excellent Very Good Fair Poor ), clarity rating: Internally Flawless Egyptians99Excellent – externally flawlessNone

There is a reason why the Harry Winston Diamonds are sought-after collectibles. Every diamond product from this company has been crafted to be unique and no two items ever look alike because they're all carefully handcrafted using high quality materials in order for you, as their customer can enjoy owning something special that will last forever - instead of buying one overpriced ring or piece every few years like many people do today!

The cut grade on these pieces means everything: it decides how big/small each facet appears while also controlling whether light passes through them at different angles depending upon its color too (or lack thereof). The result? A single flawless


Harry Winston offers Handcrafted Diamond Rings

Cartier is a famous diamond brand, headquartered in Paris. It designs and manufactures jewelry for men or women worldwide including watches as well to meet different needs of consumers with its operations spanning 125 countries across 200 stores which are efficient when it comes processing orders online because you can order products securely through them using credit card payments etc., they also provide after-sales services like warranty application on your device should anything go wrong later down the line.

You can be sure that Cartier diamond jewelry will preserve its shine and longevity with the help of this great after service care. With products sold across many different regions, they are one of top brands in world-wide popularity as well!

Tiffany & Co. Make Luxury Jewelry

A top diamond brand, Tiffany & Co. is an American luxury company that’s headquartered in New York City and has been around since 1837 - when Jews from Germany settled there with their famous family names like Goldsmid or Seligman (Tiffany drop).

Today it's still popular for its luxurious goods such as necklaces made out of diamonds among other jewels alongside accessories including leather goods which were introduced back then too! You can find the fine quality pieces at every corner whether you're shopping online through one our many retail partners across North America

The Tiffany Company is one of the most successful diamond companies in America, with sales and revenues that match their success. They have an unrivaled marketing strategy which has helped create positive brand awareness for this luxury product on par with some top names like Rolex or Cartier . With so many products to choose from at affordable prices -Tiffany will always remain among today's premier jewelry stores

De Beers Diamonds

De Beers is an international company that has been around since 1888. They mine, synthesize and trade diamonds across the world with their headquarters in London UK where they are also involved into industrial manufacturing for other products like electronic equipment or jewelry accessories made out of these precious stones.

De Beers has a wide range of diamonds for various occasions. The company's history in providing the world with an enduring symbol, still highly esteemed today demonstrates just how powerful love can be - even if it never seems like you'll find that special someone again after they've left or passed on past regrets about not having more time together before moving onto something new!

The variety among their products says volumes; there are necklaces (both short and long-term), pendants , rings etc., all available at affordable prices which would suit any budget because no one likes spending exorbitant amounts only to have them constantly change depending upon

Blue Nile Diamonds

Blue Nile is a top diamond brand that offers engagement rings and other jewelry. Founded in 1999, they're headquartered in Seattle where you can purchase loose diamonds as well as non-engagement products like earrings or bracelets containing precious stones.

The Blue Nile is a top diamond brand in the world. It was formerly known as Internet Diamonds, Inc., and later changed its name to symbolize the firm’s commitment for excellence on behalf of both customers and employees alike - there's no compromises when it comes down doing business at such an elite level!

The company carries some incredible gemstones from around 100 different origins including many rare varieties hard-to come by elsewhere but available through this source alone due exclusively because they utilize their tough quality standards before passing off any pieces into production so you can always rest assured knowing what your buying

Here below are some well known diamond brands around the world

  • David Yurman
  • Chopard
  • Zale
  • Van Cleef and Arpels
  • Mikimoto
  • Bvlgari
  • Tacori
  • Buccellati
  • James Allen

Final Words

The diamond industries have been moving at a very fast pace since they first started. The industry is now welcomed by people of all ages and income levels, which means many new companies are coming up to meet the rising demands for jewelry from customers around the world

The Diamond Industry has seen its ups-and downs over recent years but it's still going strong as more shoppers want designer sparkly rings or other types luxury goods with their purchase!

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